About this Event
320 East Ninth Street, Charlotte, NC 28202
Git (and GitHub) are important for computer scientists, but also data scientists! In this workshop, you will learn the technology and terminology around Git. Many organizations leverage Git to help them manage their technical assets--so this workshop is recommended for anyone who may deal with code in their occupation.
Learn how Git (and GitHub) can:
Presenter: Robert Fox, Senior Lecturer, School of Data Science
Bio: Robert Fox moved to Charlotte 23 years ago as a consultant with IBM. Since then, he has had a long (20-year!) professional career in the financial services sector (working for various banks), where he analyzed information as well as developed and managed data science teams and solutions. He maintains a strong link to the industry; and tries to stay on top of the business use cases that drive value from information. Robert loves the field that we now call Data Science–and is unreasonably passionate about transforming data into knowledge. He maintains his technical depth by coding, querying, analyzing, and building things regularly. His technical interests include cloud computing, data visualization, data mining, unsupervised learning, full-stack web development, and the integration and automation of machine learning. He’s an expert on the pitfalls involved in efforts to drive value with AI; and focuses on staying current with innovation in risk management, governance, and “explainability” in data science.
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